A signature Atlantic red
Deitado, fronte ao mar
bet more personal
da nosa adega.
A signature Atlantic red
who drinks elaborate wine
on the banks of Miño
from remote times
bringing ao present,
a forza unique da nosa terra.
Authenticity without filters
Deitated push your limits
gives elaboration to offer an Atlantic red
without filtering what else it can present
Deposits in the bottle are nothing more than helpful
to its authenticity, character and flavor full of nuances.
Recuperar o pasado
danos futuro.
Noso Rias Baixas tinto Deitado
e o resultado dun proceso
de elaboración recuperado polo noso colleiteiro Alberto Verea e unha coidada seleción de variedades autóctonas, principalmente Sousón e Brancellao, pero tamen Espadeiro, Pedral, Caiño e Mencía. procedentes tanto dos nosas viñedos nas terras de As Neves como de pequenos productores locais do mesmo concello.
Deste xeito apostamos por un viño que recupera variedades dun xeito sostible, coherente co entorno e vertebrador do territorio.
De falar, falarei da terra
O favorecedor microclima da terra de As Neves entre o oceano Atlántico, o rio Miño e o Termes convírtese nun aliado imprescindible para nos, xunto con o característico chán gránitico e arcillo que permite o drenaxe xusto da mítica chuvia galega.
To our land
On our land we walk on cadaleitos.
The pregnant women look for godfathers on the bridges.
Xantamos serpes two rivers,
and it goes on like this,
we work on land
Please never change it.
On our land is As Neves.
Chan de Vide
Sea front
Chan de Vide Deit ado is made with grapes from selected plots of our management and small local producers.
A production adapted to current times, but with a closer look, no wine has been made on the banks of the Minho since ancient times.
Undoubtedly an undisputed representative of the Atlantic red wine.
At sight: Ruby color with reflective purple vermilions.
On the nose: Aromas of brown fruits, amorodos, raspberry and lixeiro saline aroma.
In the mouth: Fresh and elegant, fine and balanced with saline and mineral flavors integrated into a sweet whole.
Long and persistent finish.
Alcohol Level: 12.5%vol
Sugar reduction: 1.0 g/l
Total acidity: 5.90 g/l tartaric
Orix in: DO Rías Baixas
Variety: Plurivarietal.
Mainly Sousón and Brancellao, Espadeiro, Pedral, Caiño and Mencía.